Yoghurt and health benefits
Yoghurt is produced from the milk of cow, buffalo, goat, sheep, yak and other mammals. In industrial production of yoghurt cow’s milk is the predominant starting material.
To get custard like consistency, cow’s milk is generally fortified with non fat dry milk, milk protein concentrated, or condensed skim milk.
Varieties of yoghurt available include plain, fruit flavored, whipped, drinking type, smoked, dried, strained, and frozen.
The popularity of yoghurt has increased due to its perceived health benefits.
Health promoting attributes of consuming yoghurt containing live and active cultures are well documented.
The trend of using prebiotics and probiotic cultures in the manufacture of fermented milks and yoghurts is supported by clinical trials.
The benefits effects documented in the numerous studies and reviews include prevention of cancer, reduction in diarrhea associated with travel, antibiotic therapy, and rotavirus, improvement of gastrointestinal health, enhancement of immunity of the host, amelioration of lactose intolerance symptoms, protection from infections caused by food borne microorganisms, control of vaginitis, and vaccine adjuvant effects.
Yoghurt and health benefits
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