Monday, February 15, 2016

Horsetail tea

Horsetail, sometimes called the ‘scouring brush’, contains silica an abrasive.

Made into tea, horsetail is a diuretic. Drinking horsetail tea regularly helps to cleanse the body of impurities and excess water and therefore improves facial color and reduces swelling and puffiness.

Horsetail tea is a flavorless, gritty drink and is high in silica. The body can readily absorb the silca in horsetail, and horsetail tea reduces swollen are of the face and will help to keep nails from breaking and hair from splitting.

Horsetail tea can heal skin damaged by a rash, irritated from shaving or disfigured by blemishes and acne.

The tea reputedly improves the function of the kidneys. It is used to treat kidney stones, swollen legs, eczema, heavy perspiration, prostate ailments, rheumatism, gout, nervousness, ulcers and bleeding of the nose, lungs and uterus. The tea is ideal for flushing out system in connection with bacterial and inflammatory illnesses of the kidneys and urinary tract as well as renal gravel.

Horsetail tea works best when consumed two or three times per day for at least four weeks.
Horsetail tea

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