Sunday, January 29, 2023

Saffron tea

Saffron is a spice that comes from the flowers of crocus sativus Linné. The crocus grows in the Middle East and parts of Europe. It is most commonly cultivated in Iran, India, and Greece. It's a star ingredient in many cuisines in the Middle East, India, and Europe today, lending its dark red coloring and sweet, earthy flavor to dishes.

The flower produces dark red stigmas, also called threads, which are removed carefully by hand and dried. These are considered to be the saffron spice.

Their healing properties trace back thousands of years, being used to treat depression, and also hormone, memory and circulation issues, and more recently cancer.

Two of the compounds present in the spice, safranal, and crocin, can regulate the levels of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, which are neurochemicals responsible for boosting one’s mood.

Crocin is the chemical ingredient primarily responsible for the color of saffron. Crocin has also proven to be able to balance the cholesterol levels in the bloodstream, which in turn lessens the likelihood of heart attacks.

Saffron tea alone have a strong and bitter taste. It can be mix with other ingredients, herbs and spices: cardamon, raw milk/coconut milk, tea, honey
Saffron tea

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