Monday, October 22, 2012

Avocado drink health benefits

Avocados provide unsaturated a fatty acids that are essential to health. They moisturize skin, lubricate cell walls and fortify nerves.

The avocado is a fruit commonly known as a vegetable high in fat and calories. Known for being easy to digest and for its ‘good’ fat and vitamin E content.

It also contains plenty of B vitamins, especially niacin, folic acid, calcium, iron, 9 essential amino acids and a mountain of potassium.

In one study found that people who ate one avocado a day for a week had a drop in total cholesterol of 17 percent, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides levels fell, too, while HDL cholesterol levels were raised.

The avocado has shown to benefit circulation, and dilate blood vessel. Avocado juice was used by the Mayans to keep their joints moving freely and eliminate diseases related to the joints such as rheumatism and arthritis.
Avocado drink health benefits

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