Anise hyssop is a stiffly erect, perennial, aromatic herb, 0.8 -1.5 m tall. It leaves are softly white underneath, due to a covering of white, felty hairs.
Anise hyssop comes from North America and Canada, where the Indians made herbal tea from the leaves to cure colds, flu and respiratory disorders. They also used anise hyssop tea as a liquid sweetener.
A tea made of anise hyssop flowers and a leaf or two, is warming and relaxing and aids the circulation.
It has been found to help with digestive tension, nervousness, anorexia and fear. It can be taken as a tea for respiratory problems such as coughs.
A few sips of anise hyssop sweetened with honey, will quickly restore calm and speed up the circulation to remove toxins from the body.
Anise hyssop has limited commercial importance as a culinary herb. It is found occasionally in commercial tea mixtures.
Anise hyssop tea
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