Centella asiatica L is a creeping, perennial herb with long slender horizontal stolons, characterized by long internodes. Centella asiatica grows wild in many parts of Asia and is a popular cure for many ailments, particularly those that tend to resolve in a few days without treatment.
Gotu kola is typically eaten raw in salads, steamed and served with rice or made into a tea.
The vitamin rich juice relives heartburn and many believe it aids healing of internal injuries if drunk immediately upon the appearance of bruises.
In India and Indonesia, gotu kola has long been used to promote wound healing and treat skin diseases.
The plant has astringent properties and in traditional herbal medicine it is applied topically to heal wounds and burns.
The plant is used in cooling drinks when boiled, for diarrhea, diuretic, gravel, leprosy treatment, stones, wound healing and as a tonic.
Centella asiatica use with milk in daily diet will promote intellectual vigour and longevity; as potherb in chronic skin disease, cough, fever, urinary disorders and as an astringent.
Centella asiatica juice
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