Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spearmint tea

One of common garden mint is spearmint, used for sweet and savory dishes, such as roast lamb, mint jelly, lemon drinks, fruit compotes and chocolate confections.

In British cooking, spearmint is sometimes added to flavor potatoes or peas. Spearmint also makes a flavorful of tea.

Simple spearmint tea can be made by infusing one teaspoon dried spearmint leaves and tops in one covered cup of boiling water for ten minutes. Strain and flavor honey to taste. The tea can be drunk warm and cold as often as required.

Spearmint tea is valuable for relaxation and is one of the safest herbs known. It is almost as refreshing as a cool drink.

Alone or blend with other herbs, spearmint makes a highly refreshing drink. One of the most popular of Moroccan teas is a blend of 2 parts black tea, 3 parts spearmint leaves and 1 part hibiscus flowers.

The mint has a cooling and soothing effect upon the throat.
Spearmint tea

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