Friday, May 03, 2013

Catnip tea

Catnip, member of the mint family releases a distinctive aroma when it’s made into an herbal tea. It has the aroma to attract cats and people.

A tea made from the dried leaves and flowering heads has been used to treat about everything from colds to cancer. 

Catnip is also good for stomach upset, nausea and stomach flu in older children and adults.

Commonly it has been used as a carminative, tonic, and sleeping aid, a mild night cap. Catnip is a mood stabilizer rich in B vitamins and it makes a favorite remedy for women with menstrual cramps.

To make catnip tea, simply pour boiling water over the dried catnip and let it steep. Hot catnip tea in winter and iced catnip tea in summer are quite tasty.

A cup of iced tea is a mild stimulant, providing a pleasant temporary lift without jumpiness. Hot, steeped catnip tea or infusion is a mild to moderate sedative and antispasmodic.
Catnip tea

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