Sunday, May 17, 2009


Numerous teas and herbal preparations have also been widely used as diuretics to treat premenstrual syndrome and other conditions.

Extracts of goldenrod (solidago sp.), juniper (Juniperus communis), parsley (peroselinum), bearberry or uva ursi (Arcstostaphylos uva-ursi), fennel(Foeniculum vulgare) and stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) are modestly effective diuretics that may be used safely in moderation, either singly or in various combinations.

Of these, goldenrod is probably the most effective diuretic. It also possesses anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity.

The active constituents of goldenrod include flavonoids, tannins and saponins. There are no reports of adverse reactions from its use.

The dried ripe berries of the juniper tree (J.communis) function as a diuretic and also provide antiseptic activity for the urinary tract.

Juniper’s diuretic effect results from its content of terpinen-4-ol, which increases the glomerular filtration rate in the kidney.

One must exercise caution when using juniper berries, because large amounts may produce kidney damage characterized by albuminuria or renal hematuria.

Juniper tea also is also contraindicated during pregnancy.

Stinging nettle (U. dioica) is feared by many because its leaves and stems are covered with tiny hairs that inject formic acid and release histamine when touched.

However, the stinging irritant is tamed by cooking or drying. The dried leaves of U. dioica possess diuretic activity, possibly due to its high flavonoids content.

Parsley is widely used in salads and soups as a garnish. The leaves and roots of parsley are helpful for reducing urinary tract inflammations.

Bearberry or uva ursi is also effective against urinary tract infections as a result of its antibacterial action.

Its antiseptic action results from the presence of two phenolic glycosides.

Juice made form cranberry also provides protection against the colonization of Escherichia coli bacteria in urinary tract infections.

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