Marshmallow leaves can be rubbed onto bee or wasp stings to lessen the swelling and itching. A tea of the leaves can be used as a gargle to wash out a mouth dry with fever, or to ease a sore throat.
A marshmallow tea is a generous brew with lots of nutrients to strengthen body immunity and improve human overall health. May old herbals say: A spoonful of marshmallow a day keeps disease away. The taste is plain, but it can be charmed with a spritz of orange.
A marshmallow infusion is where its roots are steeped in lukewarm water overnight. After the roots are strained out, the resulting infusion has been used as a mouthwash for canker sores and other painful mouth conditions, as a heartburn remedy or as a skin wash for tropical treatment.
Marshmallow root tea is an excellent medicine for those suffering from sore throats, coughs, from irritations in the alimentary canal or the urinary and respiratory tract, from intestinal infections, stomach upsets , dysentery, some forms of venereal disease or from ‘the whites’.
Marshmallow tea
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