Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Yellow dock tea

A member of a wild of docks, yellow dock is often found in roadside ditches and dry areas. It has long, lance-shaped leaves that rise straight from the root and curl at their edges.

To make a tea, place one teaspoon of yellow dock root in a pan; cover with one cup of water; bring to a boil and boil for twenty to thirty minutes. Take up to two cup a day as needed.

Tea made from the yellow dock plant is purifying to the gut and internal organs, particularly the liver.
Many minerals are contained in the root of the yellow dock, and are leached into its tea. Yellow dock is very high in manganese, phosphorus and vitamin A and high in calcium, iron, magnesium, riboflavin, selenium, thiamin and vitamin C. They provide relief and curing to those suffering with the constitutional weakness of anemia. Arthritis can be moderated by much drinking of tea from the common yellow dock.

A nice, strong yellow dock tea is helpful when spread in eruptions of the skin. It is also useful for both pimples and the itching of rashes. Yellow dock’s common use is for inflammatory skin conditions, and blood related skin disease It detoxifies tissues, breaks congestion and reduces inflammation to facilitate healing.
Yellow dock tea

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